Friday, July 31, 2009

My 2nd weekly OB appointment

I went in for my routine weekly OB appointment (2nd one so far), and I'd have to say I was quite taken by surprise by the change in plan. It started off as a routine visit; check in, get called by nurse, have vitals taken then wait in the exam room for the doctor. I got to see Dr. Den Haese, one of my favorite doctors in the practice. He looked over my chart and asked me if I had any questions, complaints or concerns. I told him nothing has changed since last week, I still have the pain in my right side. He told me that it could be appendix or gall bladder, which I quickly dismissed the possibility of it being appendicitis as I have already had an appendectomy. And we both dismissed the possibility of it being gall bladder because the pain is not associated with any type of nausea, vomitting or fever. So it seems like it is just a pregnancy pain. We listened to 'Lil Bean's heartbeat, it was loud and strong and we even recorded it so I can put it in a heartbeat teddy that I plan on making this weekend. He measured my belly, and it is still measuring ahead. With that being said, he started to express his concerns for the cerclage that is still in place. He said that his professional opinion is that the cerclage needs to come out because of the risk it imposses to me if I do go into labor before my scheduled c-section. My cervix would tear and that would cause a lot of bleeding, and they would not be able to repair the cervix right away because of the swelling, and that would mean me losing a lot of blood, something he is just not willing to risk. He said that there is nothing wrong with keeping things the way that they are, which is to remove the cerclage and perform the c-section all at the same time, but the risk is just too great if I do not make it, if I go into labor before August 13th. And we both agreed that it would be in my best interest to err on the side of caution, so we decided that we would remove the cerclage sometime next week. He then asked me if I wanted it to be an in-office procedure or if I wanted to get it scheduled at the hospital. So I asked him what the difference was, and he said that in-office they do not offer any type of anesthetic, which amounts to A LOT of pain, as opposed to the hospital where I would be given anesthesia. So of course I opted to have it done at the hospital, because I know from past experience how uncomfortable of a procedure this is, and I do not wish to be in any kind of pain. So he had the front desk call and make an appointment for my cerclage removal next week. The lady at the front desk called the hospital and I have an appointment set for next Tuesday, August 4th at 1:30 pm for the procedure with Dr. Grainger, the other favorite doctor who will be performing the c-section. We need to be at the hospital by 11:30 to start the fluids, and I can't have anything to eat or drink after 10 am. At least I can eat breakfast first! And thank God I don't need to go in the day before for pre-op! They did tell me that I would be able to go home once I feel up to it, but I can be there until 10 pm, it just all depends on how I feel. I hope that I get to come home and get settled in before that! The lady also got me an appointment for Friday, August 7th with Dr. Grainger, for our final OB visit before the c-section. So with that information in hand, I left the office. I called Phillip and updated him on all the changes so he could make arrnagements with his job to have Tuesday off so he can take me and be with me at the hospital.
When I left the doctor's office, I had a few errands to run and then I went shopping! I love shopping, and chopping always brightens my day. I got all the last minute things we need for both me and Bean. We have 2 more things to do before Tuesday - we need to go get 'Lil Bean's name embroidered on some blankets and we need to go stock up on food and household consumables so we can be pretty stocked up until a few weeks after Baby Bean gets here.
At this point, we are pretty much ready, just counting down the days!!! Thanks for checking in and if you can remember to say a prayer for me that everything goes well on Tuesday I would greatly appreciate it :) God bless!

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