Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4th Bi-weekly OB appointment

I went in for my last bi-weekly Ob visit on July17th, and it was once again pretty routine. Signed in and waited to be called by the nurse. Once I was called, she took my BP, which was good but still a tad bit low at 78/58. My weight was good as well as my urine. I was led to the exam room where I waited for the doctor. When she came in, we listened to 'Lil Bean's heartbeat. It was strong as usual. She attempted to do a kick count, but Bean was too active, she just gave up! She measured my uterus and I'm now measuring 2 weeks ahead! She sent me in to get a quick U/S to see what Bean's position was. It was so great to see our baby boy moving around in my belly! He is now in a head down position! Which is putting more pressure on my bladder and cervix. But I only have 3 weeks and 6 more days to go!!! I am so excited to meet our baby boy! My next OB appointment will start the first weekly appointment and that will be on July 24th.

As I was leaving the doctor's office, I called to update Phillip and he was happy that everything is progressing good. I also talked to a good friend of mine, Shelley, who was on her way to her level II u/s to find out the gender of her twins and to find out about their health. I have been praying hard for her that all goes well. I told her all my news and wished her luck with her appointment. I was eager to hear back from her with the results.

When I got home, I did some more arranging in the nursery. There's not much left to do now. I need Phillip to hang the TV and dvd player in the nursery, hang Bean's name on the wall, move some pieces of furniture around. I have set up the pack 'n play and swing downstairs so it's all set up for when we get home from the hospital.

A little after 2 pm I got a call from Sadie updating me on Shelley. She told me that SHelley is having a boy and a girl and they are BOTH HEALTHY!!! Praise be to God! I am so happy for her! We will both have babies within 3 to 4 months apart. This is so exciting! Shelley called me later that evening and I celebrated her joy with her over the phone! I will continue to pray for her and the twins' health and ask that you say a prayer as well.

Thank you all for stopping by and reading! God bless :)

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