Thursday, July 2, 2009

3rd bi-weekly OB appointment (8 months)

Today I went in for my 3rd bi-weekly OB appointment, and I have to say I got a lot accomplished! The visit was pretty routine. Signed in, waited to be called. When I got called the nurse, as always, took my vitals. My BP was up a little, it was 87/64, but still kind of low. I didn’t get an u/s as the sonographer was off today. That was a bummer. So I was taken to the exam room and waited for the doctor to come in. when she came in, she asked me if I had any questions or concerns and I told her about a pain I had been feeling “down there” when I walk. She said that it’s caused by my pelvic bone opening up, and it’s quite normal. She then measured my belly, no change there. Still measuring a week ahead. We also listened to ‘Lil Bean’s heartbeat and it was loud and strong. He even kicked the doppler a few times! She asked me if we had already scheduled the c-section, and I told her what Dr. Grainger told me. So she said that she would give me a paper to take to the front desk so that they can go ahead and get it scheduled with the hospital. I reminded her that Dr. Grainger was our preference and she made note of that on the sheet she handed me. I headed to the check out and handed the sheet to the lady and she got out the schedule planner, asked me a few questions and then told me she would be right back with me as she needed to call the hospital. She came back after a few minutes and handed me two pieces of paper, one with my last bi-weekly OB appointment on July 16th at 10 am (all subsequent OB appointments will be a week apart until our scheduled c-section) and another with dates, times and instructions. So we are so happy to announce that our c-section is scheduled for Thursday, August 13th at 12:30 pm. We are to be at the hospital by 10:30 so they can start the IV. I also need to go in to Labor & Delivery on Wednesday, August 12th at 10 am for registration and pre-op. I am so excited!!! I can’t believe we actually have a date set! There’s so much I still need to do before then to get ready. I hope I can manage to get everything done in a timely fashion. Please pray for me that I can get all my affairs in order. Thanks and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. You must be so excited! I wish you all the best and I'll be thinking of you! Babies are real little miracles! :)
